Wisborough Green Beekeepers Association

a Division of West Sussex Beekeepers Association

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Asian Hornet
Asian Hornets

Asian Hornets have spread rapidly through France since first discovered in 2004. They are in Jersey and since the first nest was found and destroyed in 2016, several nests have been destroyed in U.K. mainland. Asian Hornets prey on insects including honey bees, where they can take a heavy toll. Beekeepers should be able to identify them and know what action to take if they find one. The buttons below should provide enough information.

Asian Hornets have been discovered over a wide area in this country, and are a threat to all of us. From the number that have been discovered my guess is that it will be very difficult to contain them now.

Beekeepers need to be aware of the threats.

Bob Hogge, a beekeeper from Jersey where they are now established, with over 50 nests destroyed in 2018, will be at the National Honey Show on every day to talk about them and answer questions. We get advice from the NBU, but few have the knowledge Bob Hogge has.

Roger Patterson